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Club Studio Brussel


The Netherlands is a country of many traditions, and one of them is that in every village or on every square a tree was once planted that once a year someone kicks, sending a new crop of fresh talent into the wide world. Sometimes that's F1 or other drivers, sometimes it's a Ruud Gullit or Herman Van Veen, and in recent years it's been raining mostly successful rappers and singers. A few summers ago, for example, we got to know ELMER, the latest fluorescent light that adds color to the sky above the Moerdijk. Wait, dike, did someone say dike? Holland is not only a land of talent trees but also of dikes and lo and behold, Elmer once debuted with “Je vader,” a dyke of a single. With lyrics ('Ik n**k je vader zonder condoom') that we Flemish hardly dare to read out loud and for which we replace the E and the U in announcement texts with asterisks. The Dutch have about fifteen pounds less diffidence in this respect. Anyway, 'Je vader' acted as the starting cable of her career in 2021 and since then she made a couple of delicious EPs and also landed in the hearts and arms of a full Pukkelpoptent. Meanwhile, the little voice screaming that you should not miss Elmer at our Club Studio Brussel on Sunday, August 11, is your inner FOMO. You know: always listen to FOMO, at least if you don't want to miss a dyke of a concert.